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Synchronization between the body’s circadian clocks can prevent aging



“An experiment in mice reveals that a lack of coordination between the brain’s central timekeeper and the muscle’s molecular clock accelerates muscle tissue dysfunction. Reestablishing these communication networks helps restore proper functioning.”


“Night and day are not the same, not for the eyes, the liver, the skin or the pancreas.”


Photo by Irving Penn

The peripheral clocks — located in organs and tissues — receive this instruction from the central chronometer and regulate themselves to set in motion one function or another, depending on the time of day.”

“The deregulation of our clock is one of the clear characteristics that happens to all of us as we age. What we saw during aging is that the clock machinery, the basic one, the one that tells the tissue that it is this time or that time, that does not change. So if we wanted to find possible therapeutic ways to keep the clock in a young state in the old organism, we had to understand what happens to the clock.”

“The communication between the brain clock and the skin clock — are a step forward in understanding how these precise molecular devices work.”

“Human life is governed by a circadian rhythm (around 24 hours) that is controlled by a tiny biological clock located in the brain. Based on the light stimuli entering through the retina, this molecular device synchronizes itself and tells the rest of the organism the time so that it can act accordingly. Night and day are not the same, not for the eyes, the liver, the skin or the pancreas. The peripheral clocks — located in organs and tissues — receive this instruction from the central chronometer and regulate themselves to set in motion one function or another, depending on the time of day. Like a kind of orchestra in tune, all these molecular instruments that manage the circadian rhythms communicate, interact and work, in turn, with the necessary autonomy to make the organism function. This is how the gears of life work.

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Turquoise, the Color of Lung Health Awareness




An initiative by the American Lung Association made the nation turn turquoise as a part of the annual Lung Cancer Action Week. NYC bridge and hundreds of iconic buildings illuminated turquoise in the honor of the Lung Health Week. Participating states including Arizona, Indiana , Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania and Rhodesia Island. Well done!

Lung Cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. According to the ALA, hazardous air quality due to the particle pollution and motor vehicle emissions affecting 131 million people who are living in the polluted areas. Repeated exposures to the fumes, chemicals and dust is very harmful to the lung. The simplest things that people can do is driving less, avoiding chemicals whenever they can and dusting the places of living.

You can visit the website to get involved in the American Lung Association’s Lung Force Initiatives. Don’t forget the awareness of the lung health by the color of the sky and the ocean: Turquoise.




Addictions Hijack the Brain : from alcohol and tobacco, to junk food or digital content
The algorithms are addictive. Who invented infinite scrolling? That’s addictive. The algorithms are a dopamine laboratory, which studies how to make these social media platforms more addictive.


Rubén Baler, neuroscientist: ‘We are guinea pigs. Our attention has become a profitable commodity’

He warns that overexposure to screens from an early age can have a negative impact on health.


“Addictions hijack the brain, subduing it until it gives up on its most basic needs. Even eating and drinking — essential for sustaining life — are no longer priorities. But that substance or behavior that generates such brain dysfunction is usually just the symptom of a deeper phenomenon… the tip of the iceberg of a complex network of vulnerability and poor mental health.

Rubén Baler agrees with this assessment. He’s an expert in public health and addiction neuroscience at the United States National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): “We need to worry about what’s important, not just about what’s urgent,” the neuroscientist warns. It’s not about the substances, but rather the phenomenon behind them. He assures EL PAÍS that there are hidden interests and hands that pull the strings of the dynamics that are harmful to public health. From alcohol and tobacco, to junk food or digital content, “there are increasingly powerful forces that have an interest in these products becoming more and more addictive and popular,” the neuroscientist affirms.

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The emotional and spiritual effects of colors

Yellow furniture and decoration: Why not?



According to Goethe, yellow is associated with warm, joy and light.



“When applied to an interior, yellow is considered to be a great way to highlight a place, give it importance, draw the eye to it and emphasize that particular spot.”



“Oh, were you one of those who thought that yellow was a cursed color, a color to be avoided at all costs? Well, that’s not true. Some people are so superstitious and negative and disapproving yellow. The legend, Moliére died on stage wearing that color. Update your perspective: yellow has arrived as one of the season’s decor trends, and it is fresh, unadulterated, and resounding; there’s no hint of shyness or any intention of hiding. In his Theory of Colours (1810), the German scholar Goethe discussed the psychological and symbolic aspects of colors at length, including yellow, which he associated with warmth, joy, and light.

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Are we getting tired of the selfie?

The surprising return of analog cameras

We’re seeing a recovery of the nostalgic, natural image

Researchers at the Boston Medical Center speak of “selfie dysmorphia,” referring to the disorder suffered by those who undergo plastic surgery with the purpose of looking like the version of themselves they see with social media filters.
We are tired of not being able to believe what we see, of being bombarded with messages that are not real and that generate toxic feelings for no reason.


“A generation used to unlimited access to information and tools is recovering the charm of objects that invite the opposite of smartphone’s immediacy. Interest in old-fashioned film cameras is increasing, especially for those whose childhoods are documented on film. “We take a lot of photos that last only until we change phones. But almost all of us keep albums from when we were little that are memories of our lives, places to return to and revisit,” say Cristóbal Benavente and Marta Arquero, managers of the Sales de Plata store, a stop for lovers of analog photography.”

To read the full article, click on the following link:





The dark web’s two faces:
Charity fundraisers alongside extortion and kidnapping


The well-known web we access daily through popular browsers represents just 5% of the internet. It’s just the surface of the deep web ocean of information that is intentionally hidden or not meant to be easily accessed.”

“90 million cyber attacks worldwide, costing $11.5 billion »

Internet criminals, responsible for 84% of global scams, uphold codes of conduct and an arbitration system to govern their society



The dark web harbors a wide range of sinister activities like murder for hire, weapons and illegal drugs for sale, distribution of child pornography, as well as robbery, kidnapping, extortion and infrastructure sabotage. It represents the most nefarious recesses of the internet. Yet even this criminal realm lives by a set of norms and rules. “They have their own code, although we must never forget that they are criminals,” said Sergey Shaykevich, director of Check Point Software’s Threat Group during CPX Vienna cybersecurity summit. “84% of all scams happen online,” said Juan Salom Clotet, chief of Spain’s Cybersecurity Coordination Unit (Civil Guard). This same dark web organizes charity fundraisers, celebrates holidays, disciplines inappropriate behavior and has its own “judicial system.”

The well-known web we access daily through popular browsers represents just 5% of the internet. It’s just the surface of the deep web ocean of information that is intentionally hidden or not meant to be easily accessed. Kaspersky security researcher Marc Rivero said, “The deep web covers anything not picked up by regular search engines, like sites needing logins and private material. On the other hand, the dark web- a slice of the deep web – is all about using hidden networks to keep users and sites anonymous. It’s commonly associated with illegal activity.”


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Main Key to Happiness: Willpower

Those who understand the importance of making efforts will build up strong self-esteem and will be able to overcome the bumps that come their way



Efforts and perseverances should become the backbone of the education.”

“We live in a society where achieving anything appears easy. Where everything seems affordable, and people can get everything they want with a click of a mouse. Where we seek instant reward but talk little about error, frustration or effort. This misunderstood success leads one to think that we can achieve things without putting our soul into it, and that strokes of luck determine what one is capable of achieving or not. For families, when raising a child, effort and perseverance should become the backbone of their education. Teach them that their success in life will not depend on their ability to accumulate content or procedures, but rather on their ability to work hard and not give up when things get complicated.”

To read the full article, click on the following link:





We cannot normalize having 10-year-old children working as influencers:

The challenge of controlling underage content creators



The problem is linking happiness to that idealized physical image, as that only leads to frustration.

Psychologist Lorena González:  “We cannot normalize having 10-year-old children working as influencers. It should be penalized…Children learn what we teach them. We are their role models. If parents normalize this online overexposure, then this will be normal for them, although we still do not know the consequences.”


“Some of the influencer children of the Alpha generation — those born after 2010 — have more millions in the bank than years of age. They have acquired world fame on platforms like TikTok because they speak, make themselves up and dance just like the influencers they have been mimicking all of their lives.

One recent example are the so-called Sephora kids: this trend has filled the social networks with videos featuring hundreds of 10-year-old girls who get their hands on as many of the brand’s makeup products as they can to do skin care routines for their followers.

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Youth, AI, Cryptocurrency and Greed


“Cyberattacks cost the world $945 billion a year.”


« Around the planet, crime is rising and the “bad guys” are ahead when it comes to cutting-edge technology. Financial institutions are the main target and geopolitics has become a process of extracting money, creating misery and jeopardizing the future. »

Beyond the monetary damage, financial crimes affect human dignity.”


“Despite the official story, artificial intelligence (AI) is extremely fragile. Human beings are, too.”


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